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Balance & Fall Prevention

As we age, it is common for balance issues to develop, with falls affecting more than one out of four individuals 65 and older every year. However, over half of those who fall do not reach out to their doctors, resulting in further falls and injuries.

It doesn’t have to be this way. At Aligned Orthopedic & Sports Therapy, we have an effective balance and fall prevention program to help individuals regain strength and independence.

What Is a Balance and Fall Prevention Program?

Balance and fall prevention programs identify and address factors in an individual’s life that can put them at higher risk for falls. These factors can include muscle weakness, pain, poor vision, unsupportive footwear, a crowded home environment, decreased endurance, medication side effects and vitamin deficiencies, among many other factors.

These programs often consist of a training program with therapeutic and balance-specific exercises, home safety assessments, and patient education for correct footwear or assistive devices.

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How Do Balance and Fall Prevention Programs Work?

Physical therapists will screen for your risk factors before developing a personalized treatment plan. From there, they will walk you through a series of exercises to help you regain balance and strength in your legs and abdominal muscles. Your therapists may also provide education on proper footwear and home safety hazards such as throw rugs or multiple stairs. In addition, your therapists will provide balance exercises in various conditions. These exercises will be adapted based on where your therapists assess you have difficulty, but could include standing with both feet together, on one leg, on an uneven surface or with your eyes closed.

Even if you have not fallen in the past, taking these preventive measures can help you minimize your risk factors and create strategies to prevent injuries before they occur.

Balance & Fall Prevention

Benefits of Balance and Fall Prevention

Balance and fall prevention programs are tuned to fit your personal needs and can provide the following benefits:

  • Reduce fall risk: The primary goal of balance programs is to assess your risks and help you create strategies to avoid falls.
  • Increase your confidence: With balance programs, you can gain confidence in yourself and in your ability to move and perform your favorite activities.
  • Gain strength: Strengthening the muscles in your legs and core can improve your balance while relieving joint stress with movement.
  • Improve flexibility: Falling can occur from tight or stiff muscles. This program can help gently stretch the muscles in your legs and back to improve flexibility and posture.
  • Enhance independence: Overall, you can increase your activity levels and reach goals safely to prolong your independence.
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Balance and Fall Prevention in Maryland, Virginia and Washington D.C.

If you live in the mid-Atlantic region, consider Aligned Orthopedic & Sports Therapy for a balance and fall prevention program. Our therapists are highly qualified for one-on-one patient care, planning and treatments. Our experience in the outpatient orthopedic physical therapy industry has prepared us to provide training and resources to anyone who walks through our doors.

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Clinics That Provide Balance & Fall Prevention Services

Balance & Fall Prevention

AOST @OrthoBethesda

10215 Fernwood Road
Suite 303
Bethesda, MD 20817


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Balance & Fall Prevention

AOST @OrthoBethesda – Arlington

4420 North Fairfax Drive
Suite 100
Arlington, VA 22203


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Balance & Fall Prevention

AOST @K-Street

2021 K Street NW
Suite 610
Washington, D.C. 20006


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Balance & Fall Prevention

AOST @Shady Grove Orthopaedics – Rockville

9601 Blackwell Rd
Suite 100
Rockville, MD 20850


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Balance & Fall Prevention

AOST @Shady Grove Orthopaedics – Germantown

19735 Germantown Road
Suite 120
Germantown, MD 20874


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Balance & Fall Prevention

AOST @Washington Sports Medicine Institute

8401 Greensboro Drive
Suite 220
McLean, VA 22102


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Balance & Fall Prevention

AOST @Jordan- Young Institute

5712 Cleveland Street
Suite 250
Virginia Beach, VA 23462


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Book Your Balance and Fall Prevention Appointment Today

With a balance and fall prevention program, you can regain control of your day-to-day activities. Aligned Orthopedic & Sports Therapy is determined to be aligned for health, aligned for wellness, aligned for function, aligned for life and aligned for you. Contact us to book an appointment today.

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