Manual therapy is a specialized form of physical therapy that uses hands-on methods without assistance from devices or machines. Physical therapists use skilled hand movements to manipulate soft tissue, nerves and joints to decrease pain and improve range of motion.
Therapists at Aligned Orthopedic & Sports Therapy provide manual therapy for individuals in all our offices throughout the DMV.
Physical therapists use manual techniques like manipulation and mobilization to lessen pain and improve mobility. Therapists can target specific tissues by applying pressure on muscles and soft tissues to help them relax, increase circulation and relieve pain. The force used for soft tissue work is similar to a massage.
To improve joint mobilization, therapists may use stretches to move a joint manually, helping reduce stiffness and discomfort. Some techniques may include using calculated twist, pull and push movements to realign your joints.
Your therapist will use various pressures and exercises to focus on the joints and soft tissues bothering you the most.
Some common diagnoses manual therapy can help with include:
Talk with your therapist to see if manual therapy suits your condition. Anyone with musculoskeletal conditions can take advantage of manual therapy services.